リーファトロジーの哲学 / Philosophy of Lifatology


【English】Tatsuya Kitani(キタニタツヤ) - Two Drifters(プラネテス)


知らない国に 迷い込んだみたいだ
Feel like I'm lost in an unfamiliar country
誰もが綺麗な 嘘で話してる
Everyone talks with clean lies
この手をどこにも 繋げないまま私は
As I can't find a hand to hold
もがくように あなたを探している
I'm struggling trying to find you


Those kind people cried
涙した 優しい人たち
At the news of someone's death
While despising with tsking noises
How someone desperately tries to live on


Tell me where I am


I say


あなたとふたりで 息をしていたい
I wanna breathe together with you
あなたとふたりで 泳いでゆきたい
I wanna swim together with you
Until we drift to somewhere far away
まだ見ぬ世界で 笑えるまで
Until we can smile somewhere we've never seen
ただあなたとだけ 手を繋げるなら
I wish I could hold my hand only with you
ただあなたとだけ 夜をやり過ごせたら
I wish I could withstand these nights only with you
Even if there's nothing for us to believe
Even if we are just two loneliness



何もない宇宙に 放り出されたみたいだ
I feel like I'm thrown out into an empty universe
前後も左右も  わからなくなる
Not knowing where in the world I am
へその緒を切った 赤子のように私は
Like a baby whose umbilical cord is cut
覚えたての 孤独に噛みついている
I bite and cling to the solitude I've just learnt 


Those people show mercy to and symphathize with
慈悲をかけ 憐れむ人たち
tragedies that took place across the sea
How can they hurt and mock at
傷つけてどうして 笑えてしまうの?
people speaking the same language?
それでも  生きているの?
Still we are living?


誰もが独りで 生きてはゆけない
No one can live on their own
悲しみの重さを 受け止めきれない
No one can take on the burden of sorrow
Shivering at the winds between these tall buildings
かじかむ心に 息を吹いて
Brething on the numbed mind
今より少しだけ 優しくなれたら
I wish I could be a little kinder than now
繋がり合うことを 恐れずにいられたら
I wish I could be unafraid of being connected
Even if we suffer some invisible malice
Even if we can't be right


あのムーンリバーを渡って 迷いながら進もう
Across that moon river, let's advance hesitating
沢山の世界を あなたと見たいよ
I wanna see many a world with you
We need no guides
Because you are by my side
私は ここにいるから
And I am here


あなたとふたりで 息をしていたい
I wanna breathe together with you
あなたとふたりで 泳いでゆきたい
I wanna swim together with you
Until we drift to somewhere far away
まだ見ぬ世界で 笑えるまで
Until we can smile somewhere we've never seen
ただあなたとだけ 手を繋げるなら
I wish I could hold my hand only with you
ただあなたとだけ 夜をやり過ごせたら
I wish I could withstand these nights only with you
Even if there's nothing for us to believe
Even if we are just two loneliness


I can live on with you

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